Friday, June 29, 2012

Personal Health

There is a change happening in my life. It has been a slow evolution. I, like many 30 something's used to eat whatever I wanted. But my body at some point began to reject that practice. I ate to celebrate, reward, comfort, entertain, socialize, and to relax. Then one day shopping for clothes become embarrassing and my old clothes were just wrong to wear in public.

Change was needed.

First came not eating out as my only form of socialization, activities are fun and better for me. Then I dropped the stressful job and began exercising to deal with stress.

You get the picture...

Well the big change happened in the last 4-6 months. I know food should taste amazing because God created us with tongues, but it also serves a purpose. Food is to fuel the body. Food is not recreation, comfort, or even a reward. Now since this mental switch I have freely changed what I eat. Now my diet is full of whole foods, often raw foods, and the best part is I feel great and am losing my excess weight without much effort.

Personal health has brought peace into my life. Cooking is simpler. Weight loss feels good, and I am healthier.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pass the Hat

Main Entry: money  [muhn-ee]
Part of Speech: noun
Definition:  currency accepted as exchange for goods, services
Synonyms: almighty dollar, banknote, bankroll, bill, bread, bucks, capital, cash, check, chips, coin, coinage, dough, finances, fund, funds, gold, gravy, greenback, hard cash, legal tender, loot*, medium of exchange, pay, payment, pesos, property, resources, riches, roll, salary, silver, specie, treasure, wad, wage, wealth, wherewithal

Money can be a challenging force to reckon with. Money can destroy lives, yet at the same time, money can be used for peace.

I currently have a wish list of things to purchase: a DSLR Camera (Sony Nex5 to be exact), a road bike, and somewhere down the road, a car. These are not bad goals. Money is not bad, but our attitude and uses can bring peace or division.

With this in mind, I will wait longer to make my purchases, choosing to pay with cash. I will wait longer to make my purchases, choosing to bless others. The saying goes, "It is better to give than to receive." Do you believe this?

Personal Challenge: Find a way to give of your money that will bring peace to someone else. Be Intentional!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Should we Remember?

Remember Peace is about my journey of reflecting and bringing peace into my life and others. You are invited to come along with me on this path of reconciling the past, affecting change in the present, and anticipating peace for the future. 

In Deuteronomy we are admonished again and again to "remember" what God has done, what God has said, what has happened in the midst of this community that has bound it together.  When the past is left untouched and unremembered the binding of our communities, of our families comes undone. By remembering we gain wisdom. By remembering we gain pleasure. By remembering we embrace one another. By remembering we embrace ourselves.

My hope is that you will Remember Peace!